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Happy Holidays! Get to know the sisters holiday style!

The holiday season is such a special time of year. Here on the farm we celebrate and prepare for Christmas through the season of advent. Not only are we preparing our houses with trees and decorations and making holiday treats. We are preparing for the “arrival” of a very special individual. Now our families personal beliefs are different from some and we acknowledge that not everyone shares the same ones. For our family, we are especially humbled because Mary and Joseph had their baby in a manger surrounded by animals. Even though caring for the animals during the holiday season is especially taxing, we remember what an important role they played during the birth of Jesus and in our everyday lives. 

Now, the holidays are also a time to spend with family and friends. Every year my sisters and I will take a day and make Christmas cookies! It is hard to get all of us together for an extended period of time, but it is so fun to be under one roof baking together. Each person's task is to make 1-2 different cookies. Generally how it goes is Olivia loves mixing up different batter recipes and looking through recipes to find what she wants to make. Tabby is the baker. She is normally the one watching the oven to make sure the cookies are baked evenly. Gina loves to make everything festive and has big ideas! This year she made us a Christmas cocktail to go with our baking day. Kendra has made monster cookies for the last few years and they are very good! However, this year there was a serious debate because she put mint chips in the cookies and no butterscotch chips. The opinions were slightly heated! 

So in order to bring in some holiday cheer we asked each sister to answer a few Christmas related questions and we dropped pictures of our Christmas trees to mimic a virtual tree hopping party! 


What is your favorite Christmas movie? 

Olivia: Its a wonderful life

Tabby: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 

Gina: The Grinch

Kendra: Santa Clause 2 

What is your favorite holiday flavor? 

Olivia: vanilla 

Tabby: anything on the holiday Starbucks collection! (No mint flavor)

Gina: peppermint 

Kendra: peppermint 

Do you prefer a real or fake Christmas tree? 

Olivia: real

Tabby: real

Gina: fake

Kendra: real

Favorite Christmas character? 

Olivia: Rudolph 

Tabby: Clark and uncle Eddie 

Gina: Grinch 

Kendra: Bernard the Elf 

Favorite Christmas cookies?

Olivia: snickerdoodle

Tabby: molasses

Gina: double chocolate peppermint 

Kendra: gingerbread 

What is you favorite Christmas tradition?

Olivia: watching Christmas movies in the dark with the lights from the trees

Tabby: seeing everyone’s Christmas trees

Gina: Christmas movies with family

Kendra: Christmas morning breakfast with family 

We love spending extra family time together during the holidays and sharing some of our favorite Christmas things with you all. We hope everyone has a very safe and blessed holiday season. We are looking forward to serving you in the upcoming year! 

Olivia's Christmas tree:

Tabby's Christmas tree:

Gina's Christmas tree:

Kendra and Dad's Christmas tree:


Olivia, Tabitha, Gina, Kendra

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